
Legal notices

Liability for the use of data

Although the provider is acting in good faith that all information available on the website is accurate, current, and of good quality, the liability of the provider for material and legal errors occurring in connection with such information is wholly excluded, and the provider does not accept any liability for any direct or indirect damage or inconvenience incurred by the user through the use of any information available on the website, or as a result of potential errors or inaccurate information which may be available on the website.

Liability for technical issues

The provider declares that all information and other services on the website are available on an as-is basis, and offers no guarantees for their accuracy and usefulness with regard to the user’s work, or the use to which it is put. The provider is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage or inconvenience incurred by the user due to technical issues or interrupted availability of the website.

Liability for the user’s materials and data

The user declares that he/she is aware of the instructions and terms of use of the website and agrees that he/she will, where information can be uploaded to his/her system, comply with the applicable rules and regulations, especially with regard to copyright protection. The user declares that all information and other works sent to the website are royalty-free and available to everyone, and are therefore in the public domain, except in cases where the author of the work explicitly requires otherwise. It is not permitted to upload commercial programs protected under copyright laws to the website without proper authorisation.

Liability for the use of the communication network

It is the user’s responsibility to use modems and other devices and the public communications network in compliance with all regulations, certificates, licenses etc. The user also provides the necessary equipment on its website and is in no way responsible for any irregularities or illegal activities arising from improper use of equipment or action on the part of the user.